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Crimes Against a Book Club

Product description of Crimes Against a Book Club

Best friends Annie and Sarah need cash—fast. Sarah, a beautiful, successful lawyer, wants nothing more than to have a baby. But balancing IVF treatments with a grueling eighty-hour workweek is no walk in the park. Meanwhile, Annie, a Harvard-grad chemist recently transplanted to Southern California, is cutting coupons to afford her young autistic son’s expensive therapy.
Desperate, the two friends come up with a brilliant plan: they’ll combine Sarah’s looks and Annie’s brains to sell a “luxury” antiaging face cream to the wealthy, fading beauties in Annie’s La Jolla book club. The scheme seems innocent enough, until Annie decides to add a special—and oh-so-illegal—ingredient that could bring their whole operation crashing to the ground.
Hilarious, intelligent, and warm, Crimes Against a Book Club is a delightful look at the lengths women will go to fend for their families and for one another.

From the Editor

Every Saturday, after a long work week, I head to the grocery store to stock up for what’s sure to be yet another long week ahead. Inevitably, while trudging through the aisles, I become convinced that everyone else has it better than me. The other women gliding along with their carts look terrific. Their hair is styled, their yoga pants clearly aren’t meant for actual yoga, and some are even wearing heels. Heels! To the grocery store! Obviously, these women live lives of luxury. What else could explain it? And more importantly, how can the world be so unfair?

I do what comes naturally. I tell myself that these beautifully put-together women must be miserable, living empty lives populated with only manicurists, massage therapists, and stylists. I’m not proud of thinking these thoughts, but it gets me through the checkout line.

So imagine my glee when the characters in Kathy Cooperman’s delightful tale hatch a plan to squeeze a little bit of trust and a whole lot of money out of the members of La Jolla’s most exclusive book club. I couldn’t wait to see Annie and Sarah take advantage of these privileged ladies. But Cooperman doesn’t make it that easy. As intrepid as they are, Annie and Sarah find that things aren’t so black and white. Instead, as they get to know the book club members they once loathed, they find, in hilarious ways, that we all have similar struggles. There is no us vs. them. Our hearts all beat the same rhythm, and we all long for true friends and family in this complicated world—no matter what we wear to the grocery store.

- Jodi Warshaw, Editor

Editorial Reviews


POPSUGAR Hot New Spring Books Selection
"Cooperman’s debut is a light, engrossing novel with two bold protagonists that won’t quickly be forgotten."Publishers Weekly
"Cooperman is at her best when she focuses on the friendship between Annie and Sarah—their bond is genuinely touching, and their struggles are easy to relate to… A funny story about what two women will do to make a quick buck."Kirkus
"Funny, heartwarming and a little left of center, Crimes Against a Book Club is a story about real life struggles tackled in an unconventional manner." Long and Short Reviews

About the Author

Kathy Cooperman spent four years performing improvisational comedy, then decided to do something less fun with her life. After graduating from Yale Law School, she went into criminal law, defending “innocent” (rich) clients. These days, she lives in Del Mar, California, with her husband and four challenging young children. Crimes Against a Book Club is her first novel. Follow her on Twitter @Kathy_Cooperman.


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